Sunday, April 18, 2010

Ten RPGs That Matter... to Kaitlyn

I'm very excited to announce that my blog was published this weekend on the Frag Dolls website. I've wanted to be a Frag Doll for over 5 years, so this is a huge dream come true for me. If you want to read the whole thing (and you should!), go to the Frag Dolls site.

In the meantime, here's a sneak peak at the games I talk about in the blog:

Ultima-te Skeleton Pwnage!

A Slime draws near!How to train your... Dragon Tank?

Good thing I'm as handsome as I am evil.I need a chocobo!

Some goomba require you to take extraordinary measures.Giving a whole new meaning to hack-and-slash.

Finally! I can gang up on you with my real-life friends.
Putting a little light into the dark side.

Lost Odyssey is... perfect?